Veterinary Accupuncture
Relief for Chronic Pain and Discomfort
The practice is pleased to offer acupuncture as a service for our patients with a vet certified by IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society).
Dr Olivia Hassin has been performing this for many years with great success. It is a non-invasive procedure that often has outstanding outcomes for many animals, especially those with chronic arthritis or orthopaedic problems.
Pets find the treatment quite relaxing, usually sitting on lying down and sometimes even sleeping while the treatment is taking place.
Treatment times and protocol vary, to get started we recommend you make an appointment with Dr Olivia who can discuss your pets needs. If you were referred here by another vet, we can easily have your pets history sent over for us to look over and get a better understanding of your pets individual needs.
Appointments with Dr Olivia can be made by calling reception on (02) 97452600.